The Centre for Integrative Semiconductor Materials (CISM) is a new facility being built at Swansea University’s Bay Campus and is aiming to deliver new technologies and materials in the semiconductor industry with prototyping and process development technology being explored.
CMB have been working on this project since June 2021 handling the Mechanical, Electrical and Process Systems installations for the project and the site is progressing quickly and on schedule.
Some of the works our team have so far carried out, include:
Process Gases Installation with Toxic and Inert Systems
Acid Wet Scrubber System
Wastewater Treatment Facility
Process Vacuum
RO/DI Water Generation Plant
Hydrogen Generation Plant
Nitrogen Generation Plant
Process Cooling Water
Sensible Cooling Systems
Gas Abatement and Cleansorb Systems
Toxic Gas Monitoring
LV Distribution
Lighting and Power
PV System
Cleanroom Supply and Extract System
Chilled Water
LTHW and Domestic H&C Water Systems
CMB have installed and managed the specialist installation of the above systems.
Within this highly advanced CISM facility, there is a manufacturing grade ISO-qualified cleanroom, advanced NNG research laboratories, MOVCD growth facility, and customer bays. Quality on this project has been at the forefront of all of our works and the comments from the end user has reflected this with positive and promising feedback.
CMB are currently approaching the completion of final fix works and setting to work and commissioning these systems with an anticipated completion date of October 2022.
Published August 26th 2022