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  • Writer's pictureCMB Engineering

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK – an important subject for all and something that we are all increasingly making a considerable effort to talk more openly about.

Here at CMB, we care about the health and wellbeing of our employees and as a company we have made a conscious effort to ensure our staff are provided with the support they may need. In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week, we would like to share these various initiatives:

Starting the week off, our Mental Health Champions have been actively working towards making sure our staff members across all sites feel supported and at ease in their working environments. Our team of Mental Health Champions (made up of 18 dedicated CMB employees) will be visiting our various sites across the UK and putting these initiatives in place, ensuring staff know they are encouraged to speak out when feeling down and know what resources and support they have access to when they need them. 

Our Champions will be out and about this week, offering a private space to sit and listen and you can find your site champions in the image below.

Please don’t hesitate to approach any of our Mental Health Champions. Their help extends past this national week and is available all year round, and we want all staff members to know that help and support is always there.

List of Mental Health Champions for CMB and their availability during Mental Health Awareness Week for staff to come speak to them


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